Thursday, March 29, 2007


There comes a time in every girls life when she must clean her parents house. It was just such a time that I came across great treasure: three "vintage" skull and bones swizzle sticks (from the legendary Chicago "Ivanhoe Club" which is no more). But just as they were headed for the trash bin, one of them (let's call him Skully) called out to me.

Skully asked for only one wish: let him spend one last night leading a normal life. I couldn't face myself if I didn't grant a skull and bones swizzle stick a last wish. And so it was.

Skully cooked prepared the food:

Skully cooked dinner:

Skully washed the dishes:

Skully did the laundry:

and after a long hard day of work, Skully capped off the evening by watching Jay Leno:

As Skully's last wish had been granted, he and his two friends took their final trip to that great Ivanhoe Club in the sky.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


u know i like weird stuff. especially skulls
